How to Achieve an Excellent and Sustainable Packaging Strategy

September 12, 2023

Not long ago, being eco-friendly was unique in business. Only a few companies cared about it. But now, being sustainable isn't just a choice — it's becoming the norm. Many groups are asking everyone to work together to help the planet. Using sustainable packaging is a big step if you run an online store and want to be more eco-friendly.

We only have one planet to live on, so everyone needs to help take care of it. When you sell things online, you use many different materials to pack and ship the products. 

Using packaging that's good for the Earth will help reduce waste and environmental pollution. This guide will explain earth-friendly packaging and how to use it in your online store. You'll also read about other online sellers doing a great job of being environmentally friendly.

sustainable packaging

Sustainability in Packaging: What Is It?

It means using materials and methods with negligible environmental impact. In simple terms, this packaging method doesn't harm natural resources. 

To be considered sustainable, packaging should meet these criteria from the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC):

  1. Suitable for people and communities for a long time
  2. Meets performance and cost standards 
  3. Uses renewable energy for sourcing, making, transporting, and recycling
  4. Makes the most of renewable or recycled materials
  5. Uses clean production methods
  6. Made from safe materials 
  7. Designed to use materials and energy efficiently
  8. Can be reused or recycled in closed-loop cycles

Benefits of Sustainable Packaging Solutions

We've discussed various packing approaches and strategies, but what are the actual advantages of using eco-friendly packaging? Let's explore them:

Expand Your Customer Base and Increase Brand Loyalty

Embracing sustainability can open doors to a more extensive customer base and foster stronger brand loyalty. Recent studies highlight that consumers increasingly consider environmental practices when deciding which brands to support.

On a global scale, 85 percent of individuals report a shift in their purchasing habits towards sustainability and sustainable packaging materials over the past five years. Nevertheless, noteworthy variations in attitudes emerge when examining different generations. 

Among Baby Boomers and Generation X, 24 percent have notably adjusted their behaviors to embrace sustainability. In contrast, this proportion rises to 32 percent among Millennials. 

Furthermore, a third of Millennials opt for sustainable alternatives when presented with the choice, whereas older generations show a lower inclination to actively select sustainable options, ranging from 24 to 29 percent.

These statistics show consumers are ready to alter their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact. Sustainability is more than just a trend. For most people, it’s a way of life. 

Better Storage

Sustainable product packaging not only reduces waste but also streamlines storage. By minimizing packaging materials, you can optimize storage space, leading to decreased storage expenses. This efficiency may enable you to store more products in the same area or reduce the space needed for your inventory.

Lower Shipping Costs

Smaller packaging has a dual benefit. It aligns with sustainability goals and decreases shipping expenses. For example, shipping a 1 lb package in a 12x12x12 box from New York to Los Angeles costs $23.65. 

However, using a smaller 10x10x10 box brings the cost to $17.72. This seemingly minor shift to sustainable plastic packaging, resulting in a $5.93 difference, can accumulate into significant savings over time.

Sustainable Packing Solutions

With a clear understanding of sustainable packing's significance, let's delve into actionable strategies and innovative packaging approaches that can help you embrace eco-friendliness in your packaging practices.

Opt for Eco-friendly Materials

Choose packaging materials that are environmentally friendly and have a lower impact on the planet. It includes using materials that are biodegradable, compostable, or made from recycled content.

For instance, you can opt for packaging made from bioplastics derived from renewable sources like cornstarch instead of traditional plastic. Alternatively, explore sustainable packaging examples like recycled paper, cardboard, or bamboo.

Sending Out Packages In Smaller Sizes

It is a straightforward way to decrease your environmental impact. It involves using compact boxes, bags, and containers for your products. 

You can start by purchasing smaller packaging materials and using fewer filler items. Additionally, you can experiment with adjusting the size and arrangement of your products within the packaging to find ways to fit them into smaller packages.

For instance, if your business sells furniture that can be taken apart, explore ways to position the various parts of the item to save space. Sustainability in packaging takes effort, but it will surely pay off. 

Similarly, if you're shipping foldable products like clothing or bedding, keeping them tightly folded or bundled can help fit snugly into smaller boxes. By adopting this practice, you'll contribute to eco-friendliness and save on shipping costs.

Go for Recycled Packaging Solutions

Choosing recycled packaging materials is an effective way to give a second life to materials used before. When deciding about boxes, mailers, or containers, consider packaging options crafted from recycled materials.

One typical example of recycled packaging is paperboard and cardboard. This sustainable packaging design and material is produced from used paper pulp and is lightweight, easily shaped, and well-suited for creating shipping boxes.

Another option is containers and mailers crafted from previously used plastics, like single-use bags and bottles. These plastics undergo processing at recycling facilities and are then repurposed as packaging supplies, contributing to a more sustainable cycle of use.

Go Green With Plan IT Packaging 

There are numerous ways to adopt environmentally friendly packaging practices, and the most suitable approach varies based on your specific business. 

Whether you decide to incorporate sustainable packaging, change your suppliers, or streamline your supply chain procedures, it's essential to ensure the effectiveness of your initiatives.

It’s wise to take things step by step with Plan It Packaging. Start by implementing one change at a time, assessing the outcomes, and gradually building upon your successes. This approach helps you solidify your efforts and paves the way for further sustainable improvements.

Call us now for a free product consultation.